Join our community for the opening of the fair with the Washington County Labor Day Fair Parade as it marches through the streets of Marietta, Ohio.

  • All participants MUST register and pay a $30 entry fee by August 24, 2024 in order to participate in the Fair Parade. Entries can be mailed to: 922 Front Street, Marietta, OH, 45750 or placed in the drop box at the Fair Board office.
  • All participants should line up in the vicinity of Ohio Street at 3rd and 4th Streets in and around Don Drumm Stadium.
  • Parade will start promptly at 10 a.m.
  • The parade route will be as follows: Ohio Street to 2nd Street, left onto Greene Street, right onto Front Street proceeding to the Washington County Fairgrounds.
    If throwing candy or other items, please ensure it does not hit any parade watchers and it is thrown far enough so that children will not be walking into the street to pick it up.

2024 Parade Application