September 5 – 8, 2020
Robyn Tullius-Director in charge
Judging time: 1pm Saturday, September 5
Merchants Hall, Lower Level


B. Class number

  1. All listings in this section of rules are declared to be Eastern Daylight Savings Time.
  2. All persons exhibiting shall purchase a Washington County Fair Membership Ticket, either individually or through a group.
  3. Classes are open to all public individuals with the exceptions of 817 and 875
    817- the Exhibit Garden display are provided by a group or organization
    875- an Artistic Floral Design is by formal invitation
  4. All exhibits must have an entry tag that lists:
    • Exhibitors name
    • Class number
    • Membership ticket number
      Note: Additional information, as required, may be added to tag before judging begins. Exhibitors may make changes to their Artistic Designs until 12pm noon on Saturday. Print information clearly so it can be easily read by the Judges.
  5. Exhibit delivery time and day to the Hall are as follows:
    A. Potted Plants-Between 7am and 1pm Friday (review more detailed guidelines under Horticulture, section 1)
    B. Gardens-All day Thursday, must be completed by Friday. (review more detailed guidelines under Horticulture, section 2)
    C. Specimen Flowers-Between 7am and 9am Saturday (review more detailed guidelines under Horticulture, section 3)
    D. Floral Design- Between 7am and 9:30am Saturday (review more detailed guidelines under Artistic)
    Note-Access to the Fairgrounds on Saturday may be extremely difficult due to parade traffic from 10am-2pm.
  6. Exhibits in all sections are to be positioned by the Staging Committee.
  7. The rules of standard flower show practices as stated by The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Inc. in the Exhibitors and Judges Handbook shall govern this show and should be referenced by Exhibitors when preparing exhibits. Handbooks are available through The Washington County Library and one will be at the Flower Show in the Merchants Hall on Thursday until the end of the fair.
  8. Exhibits should be of show quality.
  9. Judging begins at 1pm, Saturday.
  10. Exhibit removal time: 8pm, Tuesday. Any Exhibitor removing their exhibit before 8pm is subject to premium forfeiture unless they have contacted a Fair Board member for permission.
  11. The Exhibit Gardens area should be swept and returned to its original condition on Tuesday night.
  12. Paper coverings will be removed on Wednesday morning.
  13. Neither The Fair Board nor volunteer organizations that manage the show are responsible for any exhibit left in the Flower Show in the Merchants Hall after 10pm, Tuesday. An effort will be made to take left or forgotten exhibits to the Fair Board Office.
  14. The Staging Committee reserves the right to disqualify any exhibit that does not meet the guidelines set forth in these rules.

Section 1 – Potted Plants

  1. Premiums- 1st $3.00; 2nd $2.50; 3rd $2.00; 4th $1.50
  2. All exhibits must have an entry tag that lists:
    A. Exhibitors name
    B. Class number
    C. Membership ticket number
    D. Plant name(s)-Variety or cultivar
    Note: Print information clearly so it can be easily read by the Judges. Preprinted address labels work well for the Exhibitors name.
  3. Potted Plants are to be delivered to the Hall between 7:00 am and 1:00 pm Friday
  4. Size limitations and specifications: Limitations are set to foster fairness in competition.
    • Single plant exhibits-An approximate area of 12”x12” will be provided for display. Pots should not exceed more than 10” across the top.
    • Dish Gardens-An approximate area of 14”x14” will be provided for display. Dish Gardens should not exceed more than 12” at its greatest measurement across the top of the container.  Cannot exceed 6” deep.
    • Fairy Gardens-will be allowed an 18” wide space for display.
  5. Extremely heavy pots or overgrown/unruly plants are subject to rejection by The Staging Committee.
  6. Due to the difficulty of staging and judging The Staging Committee will NOT hang any exhibit.
  7. The Staging Committee may add, subdivide, or combine classes as exhibits warrant.
  8. Potted plant exhibits must have been owned and grown by Exhibitor for 90 days.
  9. An Exhibitor may enter more than one exhibit in the same class providing they are not the same variety or cultivar.
  10. Pot exteriors should be free of dirt. No foil or plastic pot covers.
  11. Plants should be clean and well groomed. No oil or polish is permitted.
  12. Special considerations:
    A. Classes 800-813, Single plant, accessories are only permitted when used as support.
    B. Class 814- Dish Gardens must have at least 3 different types, varieties, or cultivars of plants.  All plants used in a dish garden should have the same environmental needs such as water, sun or shade.  Accessories are permitted.
    C. Class 815- Fairy Gardens must have at least 3 different types, varieties, or cultivars of plants and accessories.

The Staging Committee reserves the right to disqualify any exhibit that does not meet the guidelines set forth in these rules.


  • 800 BONSAI (Special Class)
  • 802 COLEUS
  • 803 EVERBLOOMING BEGONIAS (Semperflorens)
  • 805 FERNS, no large Boston Ferns
  • Asparagus Ferns and Sperengeri should be entered in Class 809.
  • 806 CACTI
  • 809 FOLIAGE PLANTS not listed elsewhere
  • 812 OTHER VINES non-blooming



  1. Premium- $100
  2. All exhibits must have an entry tag that lists
    • Exhibiting Organizations name
    • Class number
    • Membership ticket number
      NOTE: Exhibitor/groups names should be concealed during judging. Print information clearly so it can be easily read by the Judges.
  3. Gardens must have a title or theme.
  4. Gardens should be practical, so that they may be reproduced in a home garden.  The gardens should convince the viewer that he/she might apply the ideas in their own garden.
  5. Work on Gardens can be started on Thursday and must be completed by Friday.
  6. List of all plant names, varieties or cultivars, used and their location in Garden.
  7. Space of approximately 10’x13’ will be provided.
  8. Organizations are to provide all plant material and accessories.
  9. Premiums are awarded to commendable displays that incorporate good design, scale, proportion, suitability, and quality of plant material. Gardens should include one or more floriculture ideas for the home gardener.

Section 3 – Specimen Flowers

  1. Premiums- 1st $3.00; 2nd $2.50; 3rd $2.00; 4th $1.50
  2. All exhibits must have an entry tag that lists:
    • Exhibitor’s name
    • Class number
    • Membership ticket number
    • Flower name(s)-Variety or cultivar
      Note: Print information clearly so it can be easily read by the Judges.
  3. Specimen exhibits are to be delivered to the Hall between 7am and 9am Saturday.
    Note: Access to the Fairgrounds prior to and during the parade is blocked, participating Exhibitors must take this into consideration when deciding their arrival time.
  4. Specimen exhibits specifications:
    • Must have been grown by Exhibitor.
    • Should be in clean, clear, and plain glass containers proportionally sized and large enough to provide adequate stability.
    • Should be ready to display by The Staging Committee by having been properly groomed, and a completed tag affixed to the container.
    • Disbudding is considered a standard practice unless otherwise indicated in the list of classes.
    • Other specifications, such as size of blooms, number of single bloom stems, mixed or single colors, not disbudded, etc., will follow each class number in this section.
    • Unclassified classes- limit of 4 exhibits per Exhibitor
      Note: Tags can be fastened to the containers by tape or slipped under a rubber band that has been placed around the container.
      Clear bottles can be used as containers; a good source is from the Marietta recycling center.
  5. The Staging Committee may add, subdivide, or combine classes as exhibits warrant.
  6. Roses should be classified according to The American Rose Society’s Buyer’s Guide (current issue)
  7. The Staging Committee reserves the right to disqualify any exhibit that does not meet the guidelines set forth in these rules.


  • 20 ROSES, Knock Out, 1 stem, not disbudded
  • 821 ROSES, any other variety, 1 bloom
  • 823 ROSES, Floribunda, any named variety, 1 stem, not disbudded
  • 824 ROSES, Grandiflora, 1 stem, not disbudded
  • 825 ROSES, Miniature, 1 stem, not disbudded
  • 827 CELOSIA, crested
  • 828 CELOSIA, any plumed variety, large flower, 1 bloom, not disbudded
  • 829 DAHLIA, large, 8” and over, 1 bloom
  • 830 DAHLIA, 4” to 8”, 1 bloom
  • 831 DAHLIA, 2” to under 4”, 3 blooms, 1 variety
  • 832 DAHLIA, under 2”, 3 blooms, 1 variety
  • 833 MARIGOLD small, French type, 1 stem/spray, not disbudded
  • 834 MARIGOLD large, African type, 1 bloom, orange
  • 835 MARIGOLD, large, African type, 1 bloom, yellow
  • 836 SEDUMS, 1 stem, any variety
  • 837 ZINNIA, large, 3” and over, 1 bloom, any variety
  • 838 ZINNIA, medium, under 3”, cactus flowering, ruffled, curled, etc., 3 blooms
  • 839 ZINNIA, medium, under 3” single or mixed colors, 3 bloom/stems, any variety
  • 840 ZINNIA, small, under 2” single color, 3 bloom/stems, any variety
  • 841 ZINNIA, small, under 2” mixed colors, 3 bloom/stems, any variety
  • 842 SUNFLOWER, 1 bloom
  • 843 GRASSES, 1 stalk
  • 844 FOLIAGE (Special Class) – 1 large leaf or 1 stem or spray, not disbudded but, with no open blooms
  • 845 GLADIOLUS, 1 spike
  • 846 UNCLASSIFIED, ANNUAL, 1-6” long stem or spray, limit of 4 exhibits per Exhibitor
  • 847 UNCLASSIFIED, PERENNIAL, 1-6” long stem or spray, limit of 4 exhibits per Exhibitor
  • 848 UNCLASSIFIED, SHRUB, 1-6” long stem or spray, limit of 4 exhibits per Exhibitor

ARTISTIC – Floral Design

  1. Premiums- 1st $5.00; 2nd $4.00; 3rd $3.00; 4th $2.00
  2. All exhibits must have an entry tag that lists:
    A. Exhibitors name
    B. Class number
    C. Membership ticket number
    D. Materials used in Design
    Note: Print information clearly so it can be easily read by the Judges. Return address labels work well.
  3. Artistic Floral Design exhibits are to be delivered to the Hall between the hours of 7am and 9:30am, Saturday.
    Note: The parade begins at 10am and may not end until after 1pm, when judging begins, access to the Fairground is blocked until the end of the parade.
    Participating Exhibitors must take this into consideration when deciding their arrival time.
  4. In Artistic Floral Design Section:
    A. The work must be done by Exhibitor listed on the entry tag.
    B. An Exhibitor can only have one exhibit per class.
    C. Exhibitor does not need to have grown the materials used in the Design.
    D. Dried materials can be painted.
    E. Fresh/live materials CANNOT be painted or dyed.
    F. NO artificial (silk or plastic) representations of flowers/plants are allowed.
    G. An approximate maximum height of 40” is suggested for all Floral Design exhibits in non-miniature classes.
    H. Multiple container Designs should be on trays for easy relocation by The Staging Committee.
    A. Artistic competitors may provide an indication of their intent to exhibit a Floral Design by an anchoring or affixing an entry tag in the Artistic Design staging area of the Hall with the minimum information of:
    i.    Exhibitors name
    ii.   Class number
    iii.  Membership ticket number
    iv.  Cell phone number (if available)
    B. It is the Exhibitors responsibility to inform a Staging Committee member of the existence of their tag.
    C. Additional information, as required, is to be added to the entry tag and all Artistic Designs are to be ready for judging by 12pm (noon), Saturday.
    D. After judging begins, if necessary, repairs can be made to Designs if the Judge is not in the immediate area.
  6. Exception: Class 875, is by formal invitation only:
    A. A special location in the hall is dedicated to this class.|
    B. Each Design will be given an approximate area of 20”deep x 30”wide.
    C. An approximate maximum height of 40” is suggested
    D. There must be a 4”x6” card with a brief interpretation of this Design.
  7. The Staging Committee may subdivide classes as exhibits warrant.
  8. The Staging Committee reserves the right to disqualify any exhibit that does not meet the guidelines set forth in these rules.

Growing United

United We Stand (two container design)
850 Traditional

Our National Parks (incorporating wood)               
851 Traditional
852 Creative    

Blended Heritage (using dried materials)
853 Arranger’s Choice

One Step at a Time (miniature size 3”-5” in any dimension)]
856 Traditional
857 Creative
858 Dried

Keep on Growing (miniature size 5”-8” in any dimension)
859 Traditional
860 Creative
861 Dried

Unity of Spirit (religious)
862 Arranger’s Choice

From Sea to Shining Sea (showering water)
863 Traditional
864 Creative

Community Garden (fruits and/or vegetables)
865 Traditional
866 Creative

We the People (stretch design)
867 Arranger’s Choice

Building Bridges (stretch design)
868 Creative

Invitational (Special Class)

Let Freedom Ring
875 Creative (provide a describe on an index card)


  • Best of Show
    • Horticulture-Potted Plants
    • Horticulture-Specimen
    • Artistic-Traditional
    • Artistic-Creative
    • Artistic-Junior Division
  • Most Creative
  • Award of Distinction
  • Lilliput Award