Robyn Tullius – Director in Charge
- Open to all youth who are residents of Washington County or are members of an FFA Chapter, 4-H Club or school program in Washington County.
- Entry may be made in one or both classes by age division:
- Largest Pumpkin – by weight
- Best Decorated –by scar drawing
- Age Divisions:
- 2-5 years
- 6-10 years
- 11-19 years
- Judging will be held at 8:00 pm on Friday evening in the Home Arts Building.
- Seeds are furnished by Beverly Feed Mill.
Only the variety of seed distributed can be used I this contest. Contact the Extension Office at 740-376-7431 for the seed packets. - Name of the exhibitor must be scared into each pumpkin entered.
- All entries must be brought to the fairgrounds on Thursday in the Home Arts Building.
- Limit one (1) pumpkin per class and a different pumpkin in each open class.
- Open class entries are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Awards will be given!!!